Saturday, 5 January 2013

Nakshthra –gand-mool effects on child.

There are 27 nakshthra in astrology and these nakshthra play a very important role in life cycle. 27 nakshthra lord’s are also give there character and good and bad effect in human life. When a child born in any nakshthra it tell us about his moon sign and also a vimshttari dasha which play a very important role in life.
In these 27 nakshthra there 6 nakshthra which are called gand-mool nakshthra.
They are 1. Aswani 2. Jyestha 3. Magha 4. Ashlesha 5. Moola 6. Revati.
When any child born in these nakshthra its gives bad results to native and also to his family.
The planets which are rule these nakshthra are ketu and mercury. The lords of these nakshthra are as follows:
1.Aswani: Lord Aswani kumar the planet ruled by ketu.
2.Ashlesha: Lord Sarp the planet by mercury.
3.Magha: Lord Pittra the planet ruled by ketu.
4.Jyestha: Lord indra the planet ruled by mercury.
5.Moola: Lord Niratya the planet ruled by ketu.
6.Revati: Lord pusha the planet ruled by mercury.
When any child born in these nakshthra the astrologer and priest says to make shanti to get relief and good results to native and there family. the bad effects which these gand-mool gives are:-
Sl No Name of Nakshtra Legs Effect
1. Aswani 1 Miseries to Native Father
2 Prosperity to Native
3 High Position
4 Honour from Govt.

2 Ashalesha 1 Benefic for native
2 Wealth loss of Native
3 Miseries for Mother/Mother in law
4 Miseries to father

3 Magha 1 Miseries to mother
2 Miseries to father
3 Prosperous and progress
4 Benefic

4 Jyestha 1 Miseries to elder brother
2 Miseries to younger brother
3 Miseries to mother
4 Miseries to self

5 Moola 1 Miseries to Father/Father in law
2 Miseries to mother
3 Waste of money
4 Good

6 Revati 1 Courageous
2 Happiness from Govt.
3 Happiness to native
4 Miseries to Native
If a native born in any of these Nakshtra a shanti karm is suggested on the day when same Nakshtra is repeated. Shanti karma may include Shivarchan, Homam of the ruler of Nakstra and full procedure of Mool shanty Prayog

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