Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Flower For Your Sun sign/Moon sign


Your lucky flowers are: Poppies, Dahlia, wild rose

Where to place them: Place your lucky flowers in the north direction and see how your finances shoot up for good.


 Your lucky flowers are: Lily, Wild and Red garden rose, Daisies, Tulips

Where to place them: Placing your lucky flowers in the northeast will rid you of annoying physical ailments.


 Your lucky flowers are: Lavender, Iris, Lilies

Where to place them: Avoid placing these lucky flowers in the north direction. Placing them in any other direction will bring mental peace.


Your lucky flowers are: Poppy, Daisies, Water lily, White rose

Where to place them: Place your lucky flowers in the north or the east direction and you will notice your health will blossom.


Your lucky flowers are: Marigold, sunflower, daffodils, cowslip, heliotrope, peony

Where to place them: Placing your lucky flowers in the north or the east direction will ensure you do well professionally.


Your lucky flowers are: Lily, Pansies, Cornflower

Where to place them: Placing these lucky flowers in the eastern direction will be extremely good for business.


Your lucky flowers are: Violet, Daisies, White rose, White Lily

Where to place them: Placing any of your lucky flowers in the northwest will rid you of family tensions forever.


Your lucky flowers are: Celandine, purple heatAll red flowersm, Chrysanthemum

Where to place them: Place any of your lucky flowers in the south or west direction and see how your mental tensions fade away.


Your lucky flowers are: Carnation, Pink Tulips and Pink Roses

Where to place them: Place any of your lucky flowers in the east for good luck in your career.


Your lucky flowers are: Red Poppies

Where to place them: Placing these flowers in the north direction will be ensure you never fall short of love and romance.


Your lucky flowers are: Orchids, Peach Blossoms

Where to place them: Placing any of your lucky flowers in the north direction will ensure there is never a dearth of wealth in your life.


Your lucky flowers are: Orchid, Iris, Poppy, violet

Where to place them: Placing these flowers in the north-east direction will ensure professional luck.

  Plants of all kinds (including trees), herbs and roots have been used for centuries to draw money to a person or bring prosperity to a home.


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