Various mantra:
Mantra for vanishing diseases
Vipannrananam Tvamashrita Hyashraytam Prayanti
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the
seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable and helps to cure from diseases
Mantra for specific disease control
Shok Nashe Nahin To Krishna Ki Aan Radha Meera Manaave, (Name the Patient) Ka rog dosh
The name of the patient of whose disease is to be controlled should be chanted at the right place
while murmuring this mantra. The remembrance of Lord Krishna and Shiva be kept in mind.
Mantra for protection of pregnancy
The pregnant woman should chant this mantra for 108 times a day.
Riddance from Evil Spirits
Ayeim Kreem Kreem Khrim Khrim Khichi Khichi Bhootnaathaay Pishaachaay Khrim Khrim
Mantra for protection against eye sore
Aankh Dard Kare To Lakshman Kuwar Ki Aan
Meri Bhakti. Guru Ki Shakti.
Phuro Mantra Eswaro Vacha.
Satya Naam Aadesh Guru Ko
This mantra can lead to siddhi if chanted for 10,000 times.
Mantra for protecting oneself
Swanen Ch.
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. It helps to get rid of enemies, fears and troubles. The
use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while
chanting is favourable
Mantra for pregnancy
Om Hreem Uljalya Thah Thah Om Hreem
The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times with lighting of lamps of Mustard
Oil or butter oil helps in getting pregnancy.
Mantra for peace of ancestors
The regular chant of this mantra with red sandal beaded garland and pouring water helps to bring
peace to ancestors.
Mantra for Longevity and getting rid of Ailments
Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.
This is called “Mrityunjaya Mantra”. The mantra is attributed to Lord Shiva. The mantra is very
effective when diseases/ailment is continuously jeopardizing life or there is continuous fear of
life. Even otherwise, the chant of this mantra is very beneficial. The regular and continuous chant
of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times, following the procedure will produce early result
Mantra for increasing profits in business
Padhmavarnaam Tami Hope Vhayeshriyam
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra
helps to increase profits in business. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) is
recommended for better and early results
Mantra for getting rid of Incurable Diseases
Om Hon Joon Sah Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Om Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim
Pustivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat.
Om Swah Bhuvah Bhu Om Swah Joon Hon Om
This is called “Maha Mritunjaya Mantra”. It is attributed to Lord Shiva. Its helps in saving life in
case of attack from diseases, accidents etc.
Mantra for getting rid of fear
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The mantra helps get rid of fear and anxiety. The use
of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is
Mantra for getting rid of all kinds of adversities
This mantra is attributed to Lord Narayan. The use of red sandal beaded garland while chanting
helps in consolation from troubles and adversities.
Mantra for getting pleasure in life
This mantra is related to Lord Hanuman. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for
1.25 lakh times helps to bring back lost pleasures and strength of mind. The use of rudraksha
mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) or a beaded Garland of red
sandal is favourable and helps to attain early results.
Mantra for getting pleasure
This is a very powerful Mantra. This mantra is attributed to Lord Rama or Lord Narayana. The
regular chant of this mantra leads to success in every field of life and worldly pleasure.
Moreover, it brings along with it the blessing of the God.
Mantra for getting blessed with son and acquiring wealth
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra
between 08:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. will help get blessed with son and acquiring wealth.
Mantra for getting all round success
This mantra is called “Seed Mantra”. The Mantra helps to eliminate all odds and troubles. It’s
power is doubled when the chant is performed along with a red sandal beaded garland.
For male use there is a Mantra to get a good wife ( or desired women as wife) called Gandharva
Raja mantra.
Om Gandharvaraaja visvaavase Mamabilashida Kanyaam Prayacha Swaahaa
The meening: O Gandarva King Visvavasu let me get my desired girl.
You just have to chant it more than 320 at a time regularly till the goal is achieved.
Note: Double vovals 'aa' indicate long sound and singla voval short.
As to changing your complexion there are three methods stated in occult litrature
1) Obtain Kamaruba siddhi - a magical power by which you can take any form you desire. It is a
long tedious sadana of certain tantric deity. If you are up to it you can try . ( If you are ready let
me know I will write to you the method as founfd in tantric treaties)
2) Obtain Kaya sidhi By yogic practice - you will get eternal youth , moltan golden complexion
1000 elephants strength and indefenet life span by this method. This is also long and tedious
path. You can refer to Patanjali's yoga sutra for detail.
3) There is a shotcut to become lovely and fair. This is invoking a spirit of King solomon. I shall
get back to this latter as I need to refer to King Solomon's book 'Goetia' for this. ( I will get back
to you on this soon)
Mantra for getting a good wife
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra by
the male section of the society helps them get a wife of their expectation. The use of rudraksha
mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable.
Mantra for cure of fear
Astu Rudra Rupebhyah
For controlling of fear of death etc., meditate on Lord Shiva and perform a mala of chant
everyday with burning of Dhoop.
Mantra for controlling piles
Om Kaka Karta Krori Karta Om Karta Se Hoye
Ye Rasna Desh Hus Pragate Khooni Badi Bavasir Na Hoye. Mantra Janke Na Bataye to
Dwadash Brahma Hatya Ka pap Hoy Lakh Jap Kare To Vansh Mein Na Hoye Shabda Sancha,
Hanuman Ka Mantra Sancha, Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha
After easing the motion, chant this mantra while cleaning the refuse of anus. After that eat two
Mantra for controlling jaundice
Sarvavidha Rahe to Ramchandraji Ka Rahe Naam Meri Bhakti Guru Ki Shakti Phure Mantra
Eswaro Vacha
Murmuring this mantra and touching the body of a jaundice patient can help overpower the
disease. For Siddhi, 10,000 Mantra chant is needed.
Mantra for controlling fever
Om Namo Bhagvate Rudray Shoolpanaye Pishachadhipataye Aavashye Krishna Pingal Phate
Make the patient drink water after speaking the mantra three times carrying a pot of water in
Mantra for controlling big diseases (Epidemics)
The chant of this mantra for 10,000 times helps to avert big diseases.
Mantra for control of epilepsy
Phunke, Mrigi Vayu Sukhe, Sukh Hoi, Om Thah Thah Swaha
Make holy black thread for the patient or sprinkle water on the patient after the chant of the
mantra. Siddhi is achieved with chant of the mantra for 10,000 times
Mantra for attainment of Wealth and Pleasure
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Lord Ganesha, the
elder son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. The regular chant of this mantra helps in growth
of business and brings wealth. Moreover, it helps in stopping and arresting heavy odds. The use
of a red sandal beaded garland while chanting of this mantra is favourable. .
Mantra for attainment of wealth and getting rid of ailments
Om Hreem Om Markatesh Mahotsaha Sarv Vyadhi Vinashana Shatroon Sanhar Mamraksh
Shriyam Dapaya Dehi Mein. Om Hreem Om
This mantra is attributed to Lord Hanuman. The regular chant of this mantra helps in early cure
of diseases and bestowment of wealth. The use of a red sandal beaded garland helps to attain
early result.
Mantra for attainment of wealth
The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for atleast 4 lakh times along with a Tulsi (Basil
Plant) beaded garland helps to attain wealth.
Mantra for attainment of Pleasure
Aum Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya
This mantra of Lord Narayan is very powerful and advantageous. It gives peace of mind.
Moreover, in brings happiness.
Mantra for attainment of happiness
This mantra is considered as the five-lettered mantra related to Lord Shiva. The Mantra has a
number of advantages. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1.25 lakh times
brings pleasure and peace of mind. In addition, it helps to minimize sins, if any. The use of
rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is
Mantra for attainment of education and success in examination
This mantra is attribute to Lord Ganesha. It helps to acquire education and good success in exam.
It is specially useful for students. The regular chant of this mantra will bring early results.
Aum Aem Khreem Kleem Chamundaya Vich
Mantra for all round happiness and killing of enemies
This mantra of Goddess Durga gives happiness and leads to destruction of the enemies.
Mantra for acquiring wealth
Om Ya Devi SarvaBhuteshu Lakshmirupen sansthita, Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei
Namo Namah
The mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. She is well known as the Goddess of wealth
among the Hindus. The continuous chant of this mantra for 108 times everyday can help to
acquire fabulous wealth. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) is favourable.
Mantra for acquiring education
This mantra is attributed to Goddess Saraswati. She is known as the Goddess of Education and
Knowledge among the Hindus. The mantra helps very much in acquiring effective education.
The use of a red beaded sandal garland while chanting is favourable.
All round Pleasure giving Mantra
Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
This is known as “Gayatri Mantra”. It helps in early fulfillment of all desires of life. It resides in
the category of Great Mantras in the Hindu Mythology. The use of a beaded garland of 108
beads, chanting three times a day (Morning, Noon and Evening) is favorable.
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