Saturday, 31 August 2013



Pearl [moti] is the gem stone of is a suitable and fruitful gemstone for those in whose nativities moon as lord of beneficial or auspicious house lord.
ARIES ASCENDANT- moon is lord of the 4th house . moon is friend of mars the lord of Aries ascendant . 4th house mean house of peace, mother, land, vehicle. wearing of pearl give freedom from mental disturbances, happiness from mother, success from education, also gain of land and house. in period of moon mahadasha native get peace and wealth is best if wearing red coral with pearl.
TAURUS ASCENDANT - moon is the lord of 3rd house . pearl is not give good result for this ascendant , only in mahadasha when moon is in 3rd house then wear in mahadasha period.
GEMINI ASCENDANT- moon the lord of 2nd house this house is called house of wealth, money and family member.2nd house is also called marak house so wearing of pearl is not good . if there any problem from money matter then wearing of pearl is good only if moon is in 2nd ,11th, 10th or 9th house the wearing of pearl will prove beneficial ,in the major period of moon. this is important that the lord of this ascendant lord mercury is not friend of moon.
CANCER ASCENDANT- moon is lord of cancer ascendant ,so pearl will prove very beneficial and they should wear it throughout their lives. the pearl give good health, wealth, long life, it give mental peace, and improve finances.
LEO ASCENDANT- moon is lord of 12th house, this is called house of loose and expenditure so avoid wearing a pearl, only wear when moon is in his own sign so wearing pearl in moon mahadasha.
VIRGO ASCENDANT- moon is the lord of 11th house it is called house of gain and profit wearing of pearl fulfillment of desires. if in moon mahadasha native get financial gain, acquires wealth and name and fame and give children. if moon in 9th house in Taurus then it always give success , peace, wealth, and name fame with good health so then wearing moon give positive .
LIBRA ASCENDANT- moon is lord of 10th house so wearing pearl give good business and give name and fame through his business ,if moon is in own sign cancer in 10th house then native have a raj yoga ,so wearing of pearl give best result in his mahadasha period.
SCORPIO ASCENDANT- moon the lord of 9th house , this house is called bhagya bhav or fortune house thereafter wearing pearl give beneficial result. wearing pearl with red coral is best for this ascendant because mars and moon are friend's.
SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT- moon is lord of 8th house in this ascendant so avoid wearing pearl . only when moon in 8th house then in mahadasha period of moon can wear pearl.
CAPRICORN ASCENDANT- moon is the lord of 7th house this is marak bhav so avoid wearing pearl also moon is enemy of ascendant lord satrun so only in mahadasha period can wear pearl.
AQUARIUS ASCENDANT- moon is the lord of 6th house the house is for enemies, diseases, debt so avoid wearing pearl so this is not good for this ascendant because moon is the enemy of the ascendant lord. only when moon is in his own house then in his mahadasha wear pearl.
PISCES ASCENDANT- moon is lord of 5th house this is house of education, love, children so wearing of pearl for this ascendant give name, fame , wealth and good health also when moon is in own sign then it is best for wearing pearl, in his mahadasha wearing pearl give all success.
Pearl can be worn 2, 4 ,6, or 11 carats in silver on monday never wear on Saturday.
The ring should wear in the frist finger in right hand.
Never wear pearl with diamond, emerald, blue sapphire, and cat's eye and gomedha.


According to planets and horoscope all gemstones are not suitable for every one because all gemstone have separate characters so discuss any good astrologer and then use gemstone otherwise then give negative results, here i tell you about all nine most important gemstone which is best for every ascendant.


RUBY is the gemstone for surya [sun]. If sun is in benefice in chart then only then we wear ruby stone.
ARIES ASCENDANT- Sun is the lord of 5th house and he is friend of mars who is lord of ascendant . the native will profit from all sector specially from children, love matter, studies etc.
wearing ruby also give help from government. in major period of sun mahadasha and antardasha give beneficial results.
TAURUS ASCENDANT- In this ascendant sun is the lord of 4th house. the lord of ascendant Venus is not a friend of sun so this is not a beneficial for this ascendant only in the mahadasha of sun give good result from land, house, and peace otherwise this stone is not best for this ascendant.
GEMINI ASCENDANT- Sun is the lord of 3rd house , ruby stone is not beneficial for this ascendant . in sun mahadasha this stone give native power and help from friends also this stone help in government sector, but in this ascendant ruby stone is not good.
CANCER ASCENDANT- In this ascendant sun is the lord of 2nd house which is called house of money and wealth, family, also 2nd house is called marak house so if loss of wealth or family problem then only we can wear ruby with pearls, it is also good in mahadasha of sun we can wear ruby.
LEO ASCENDANT- Sun is the lord of this ascendant if native wear ruby then it give benefits in personality, power, health, wealth in this ascendant if sun is not in well place then also can wear ruby. in mahadasha of sun it also give best place. wearing of ruby give solution from all types of trouble.
VIRGO ASCENDANT- In this ascendant sun is the lord of 12th house , this house is called house of loose and expenditure so it is not beneficial for wearing ruby. never wear ruby for virgo ascendant because it improve loose and expenditure. only when sun in its own sign then only in mahadasha of sun it can wear with ascendant lord mercury stone emerald.
LIBRA ASCENDANT- In this ascendant sun is the lord of 11th house other side the ascendant lord Venus is not friend of sun but when sun is in his own sign then it is best for wearing ruby. the wearing of ruby give good health and wealth . in mahadasha of sun it is good for wearing ruby.
SCORPIO ASCENDANT- In this ascendant sun is the lord of 10th house this house is called business, job, profession and the ascendant lord mars is the friend of sun so its is good for wearing ruby, native get best in business and job, native get promotion . the wearing of ruby will prove very helpful if there are obstruction in achievement in success on account of inauspicious disposition or affliction in anyway of sun in the birth chart.
SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT- Sun is lord of 9th house ,this house is also called bhagya[ fortune] . sun is also friend of ascendant lord Jupiter, wearing of ruby native get benefit results for luck, good relation with father also ruby improve luck of native and also his father luck, when sun in 9th house then it is good for wearing ruby.
CAPRICORN ASCENDANT- Sun is lord of 8th house so this is not good to wearing ruby in any matter also sun is the enemy of ascendant lord Saturn
AQUARIUS ASCENDANT- In this ascendant sun is lord of 7th house this also marak house so the wearing of ruby give negative results it also give bad effects for life partner.
PISCES ASCENDANT- In this ascendant sun is the lord of 6th house so wearing of ruby is give bad results and improve power of enemies and health problems, in mahadasha of sun when sun is in 6th house only for few year it can wear for health and enemies problem.
If anyone want to wear ruby then only 2.5 carat of ruby give good results this weight of ruby never give bad result. it can wear in gold or copper,on Sunday in surya naksthra, or otherwise in any Sunday.wear it in right hand in third finger, if you not buy ruby then you can also wear substitutes - RED SPINAL, STAR RUBY, PYROPE GARNET, RED ZIRCON, OR RED TOURMALINE.
Never wear diamond, blue sapphire, gomedha, cat's eye and there substitutes with ruby stone.
21.ROMANI: this is dark red color stone with a blackish tinge.
22.GARNET: this stone is blackish red color stone.
23. LUDHYA: this is red color stone.
24. MARYAM: this is white color shining stone.
25. LOAD STONE: this is also called " chakmak stone" . this is white color tending stone.
26. SINDOORIA: this stone has light rosy color stone.
27. NEELI: this is soft stone like blue sapphire.
28.SMOKY QUARTZ: this is smoky light golden color stone.
29. AQUAMARINE: this stone is in light green color.
30. JADE: this is green color stone.
31. BLOOD STONE: this is green color stone with red spots.
32. BANSHI: this is soft stone green color.
33. DURVENAIF: this is color of unripe paddy.
34. TURSAVA: it is soft stone yellowish red color.
35.SAVORE: this is green color stone with a brown strip.
36. LAPIS LAZULI: this is soft stone of blue color.
37. KUDURAT: this is black color stone with yellow and white dots.
38. CHITTI: this is stone with a gold strips.
39. SULEIMANI: it has black color with white strips.
40. ALAIMANI: this stone is in brown color.
41. JAJEMANI: this stone is brown color with white strips.
42. WHITE JADE: this stone is in white color with hue grapes.
43. LAROO: this is marvar stone.
44. MARVAR: this stone is come in three color red, white and bamboo like.
45. KIDNEY STONE: this stone is light green color.
46. HALAN: this stone come in rosy color.
47. SEEJRI: this stone come in white color of impression of tree.
48. KASAUTI: this stone use for check gold purity.
49. DARCHANA: it is color darchana.
50. HAQIQ-AL-BAHAR: this stone have yellowish green color.
51. MUBENAIF: this stone is in white color with hair thick black line.
52. AMBER: this stone have dull wheatish color.
53. JHANA: this is very soft stone, a touch of water destroy this stone.
54. SANG-BASRI: this is used for making surma for eyes.
55. DANTLA: this stone is in yellow color.
56. MAKRA: this is black stone with an impression of spider web on it.
57. SANGEEYA: this is white color stone.
58. GOURI: this stone come in various color. it has white strips.
59. SEEMAK: this is red color stone with yellowish tingu. it has rosy color sprinkling on it.
60. SEEYA: this is black color stone for making statues.
61. GOODRI: this stone is famous in muslim culture.
62. KAMLA: this is whitish green color stone.
63. SIFRI: this is green and sky blue color mixed stone.
64. HAREED: this is black and brownish. it used for making rosaries.
65. SEENGLI: this is ruby family stone, this is red color blackish.
66. HAWAS: this is stone in green color with golden tinge.
67. DHEDI: this stone is in black color for making cups and saucers etc.
68. AGATE: this stone is found in various colors. it is a very inexpensive.
69. MOSA: this stone have white dusky color stone, used for making bowls.
70. PANGHAN: the stone color is black used for making toys.
71. AMLEEYA: it has dark rosy color used for making martars.
72. DOOR: this stone has dark brown colors.
73. LILIAR: this stone have black color.
74. KHARA: this stone has green color.
75. PARA ZAHAR: this stone has white bamboo color, it has great medical properties.
76. GYPSUM: this stone have dusky colors.
77. PARAS: this stone have great properties it turns iron into gold.
78. ZAHAR MOHRA: this stone come in green color.
79. RAWAAT: this stone come in red and blue colors but red one is important.
80. SOHAN MAKHHI: this stone look like white clay. it is considered useful for urinary troubles.
81. HAZRAT-E-OOD: black color stone used for making medicines for eyes in unani system.
82. SURMA: this stone is in black color.
According Indian gemology all 82 stones have been recognized as such character.


Gem stones are very favoured by human and they wear for remidies for planest, gems are use for increasing wealth, health, power and fame.
each gems are specific charcter. our ancient sages make rules for wear the gems for there charchter and also for what the human can wear.
it has been mentioned by our ancient sages that the malefic power released by the planets is always negative,whereas the power of the gem stone is always positive. when the negative meets the positive ,both are neutralised.
the vedic books says that the sun's gem stone is ruby, moon the gem stone is pearl, mars is red coral, mercury it is emerald ,jupiter is yellow sapphire, diamond is the stone of venus, satrun it is blue sapphire, rahu has gomed and ketu have cat's eye.
there are 84 types of gemstones:
1.RUBY: this is red and pink color stone its is very costly.
2.DIAMOND: this is found in many colors, and it is also very costly.
3. BLUE SAPPHIRE: mostly this stone is found in dark or light blue color.
4. EMERALD: this is green color stone.
5. CAT'S EYE: this stone is found in yellow and black color. in this stone we also see a shining line or band which move in stone.
6. CORAL: this stone is in red and light red color its also come in white color.
7.PEARL: this is also found in red, white,yellow, and black.
8.YELLOW SAPPHIRE: this stone is found in yellow color both light and dark.
9. GOMEDHA: its is in smokey color ,like a honey and mustrad oil.
10. TURQUOISE: this stone come in sky blue color.
11. LALRI: this is in rose light color.
12. OPAL: this stone have many colors. if we see it in white color then it have many colors patches.
13. PERIDOT: this is have very light green color.
14. TOURMALINE: this is soft type of stone and it come in red,green, brown and white colors.
15. SPINAL RUBY: this stone have darkish and yellowish red colors.
16.TOPAZ: this is found in yellow colors.
17.AMETHYST: this stone is light and dark violet colors.
18. GOLD STONE: this stone found in orange red, red colors with spots of golden colors.
19. ROCK CRYSTAL: this is shining white color stone.
20.MOON STONE: this stone has white cloud color.
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